By: Bruce D. Durst
This forward is actually a disclaimer. Everything I have ever learned has come from another source outside of my brain. There are those within the metaphysical community that say all of the answers you have ever looked for are within your mind so, look within.
Consequently, if there be any form of plagiarism so be it. I shall endeavor to give credit to other sources where it is due. If I miss a credit where it is due I apologize. In my meditations for new spiritual understanding I rarely receive an answer directly from my spirit guides (you might call them angels). I am usually guided to some form of written materials. I can be out performing my errands when I get a strong urge to visit a bookstore. Once inside I am guided toward a particular section and within a few minutes I have picked out a book on the subject I was seeking. Very often I will visit a bookstore with the intentions of looking for a particular subject when I am guided to another book and my original intention just vanishes. There is one more thing I would like to mention in this forward on the subject of seeking knowledge. That is the existence of the spiritual Universal Mind. This intelligence is available to all of mankind and I shall address this later in my writings.
These writings are an extension of my beliefs and are intended to inform the reader of knowledge other than the dogma given out by the major religions. I ask the reader to have an open mind when contemplating the material at hand.
ATTITUDE- Jack Canfield, Rhonda Byrne
SPIRITUAL LAWS – Cause and Effect – Kharma
MEDITATION – Max Erhmann- Poem Desiderata
VISUALIZE – William Walker Atkinson
UNIVERSAL MIND- One Mind One Creator
EXCHANGING SOULS – Ruth Montgomery & Strangers Among Us
We as individuals on this planet are responsible for our own lives. You, and no one else, can truly change your life. In nature we have physical laws. The law of gravity is one law. Another physical law is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Throw a rubber ball against a wall and it will return. These are physical laws. What most people don’t realize is there are also non-physical laws. These are called spiritual laws.
I am not a fond believer of the writings in the Bible because the true words of the Bible have been changed so dramatically through out history to suit the churches. But, a few things are a true representation of the meaning of life for us on this planet. Master Jesus said, “Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will open, ask and ye shall receive”. What he was trying to tell us are the true spiritual laws of nature. If you truly want change in your life ask the creator for that change. Firmly believe that your needs will be given to you and it will happen. You must affirm, without doubt, know, that with Divine Infinite Spirit’s help whatever you ask for will be given to you.
This is the part where we must be careful. Since the beginning of time man has been given hints of the power within himself. Most people never have and never will, in this lifetime, know this power. YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. Now please notice carefully. I did not say, “you are what you think you are”. I meant “YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK.” Every thought that goes through your mind has an affect on your life. Here and now, today, you are the total sum of everything you have ever done or thought in this life and past lives. In terms of the spiritual enlightenment community all of mankind experiences the laws of Kharma. This is the law of cause and affect.
In eastern religions Kharma is the spiritual law that demonstrates the law of creation. If in your mind you think loving thoughts you send these thoughts out into the world. We cannot see these thoughts but, nun- the- less, they are there. Clairvoyants can see them for they are spiritual of nature yet have some physical form. These loving thoughts will eventually come back to you giving you a sense of happiness, joy, and peace of mind.
On the opposite side of the equation is, thoughts of hate, discontent, jealousy, sadness, or just plain evil sent out into the world will also come back to the originator giving more thoughts along the same lines and only creating a sense of unhappiness in the creator.
The Theosophical Society is a religious church formed around nineteen hundred. Madam H.P. Blatvatsky, Charles Leadbeater, and Annie Besant were some of the originators of the church and the Theosophical movement. In their book Thought-Forms, Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant wrote that thoughts are things. As clairvoyants they did extensive research on the colors and forms of many volunteer’s thoughts.
They learned that thoughts have different colors and travel from the originator affecting other people and eventually returning to where they came from. They even found that when the volunteers concentrated on a specific subject their thoughts actually took on a pattern.
An example of a person’s thoughts affecting another person would be the Sebring race where everyone is in a state of euphoria while enjoying the excitement of the race. Another example would be a rock concert. Your thoughts affect you and others around you.
The good news is if we control our thoughts we can create whatever we want. The meta-physical churches teach the way to create what we want is called affirmation. That is to affirm in your mind that something will take place. That would be to think very positive that an idea will take place.
In Christian Science Mary Baker Eddie taught the differences between think, believe, and know. The strongest of these terms is to know. If I think or believe something will happen it is a maybe. But if I know something will take place there is no doubt it will happen. That is the key to rightful thinking. When you want a change in your life picture that change in your mind. Hold that thought with good strong thoughts of Love and knowing that it will take place, that with the Creator’s help you will create the situation to improve your life. You are a co-creator in this universe. What you have today is what you created in your past. If you want to change your life change your thinking positively. Affirm want change you want in your mind and know that this will happen.
In the beginning of her book “The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn” she discusses her first book “The Game of Life and How to Play It.” She had counseled many people who had difficulties in their lives. To each she taught how to use right thoughts and affirmations to change their lives. Countless times she gives examples of how these affirmations created new experiences for the ones using them.
So this is your challenge. Find that book, buy one, and practice the affirmations. Find a time when you can sit quietly and meditate with no distractions. In your mind focus on a positive thought such as your children, your finances, or your business. Ask for guidance from the Divine Infinite Spirit and know that what you ask for will happen. The right situation with your children will take place. The right job for you will be available.
There is an infinite supply of money within spirit and this money is available to you if you know that Spirit provides for all of your needs.
Change your thinking and you change your life. If someone does you wrong know that this is their problem. Put it out of your mind and just go on with your life.
Everyone should have a quiet time of contemplation. For me the best time is early in the morning when the world around me is sleeping. It is dark, quiet and I can concentrate on my thoughts with few distractions. We must quiet our minds, especially when the left brain tries to interrupt by introducing current events into our thoughts or even music as you hear, in your mind, a song you recently heard. This left-brain is called the babbler and can be controlled.
Meditation is best if you can follow a routine. Find a comfortable place with a soft seat warm and quiet. Sometimes I sit cross-legged as easterners do. Some say it is best to face to the east and the sunrise. But, this is not always practical. We should sit upright in a comfortable position but not so comfortable that we fall asleep. Breathe slowly through your nose, if you can, and listen to your breathing. By listening to our breathing we block out our surroundings and daily events. Experienced teachers say to concentrate on going deep within your mind. We are trying to find that place, that connection to the universal mind. We are to open our minds to this universal mind, the divine infinite spirit that is one with the creator. As we proceed on this mind journey we repeat the words quietly in our minds that we are going down, down, down deeper within our minds to that quiet place where we become a receptacle for the messages from spirit. When we reach that place of quiet contemplation we can ask questions, ask for guidance, or just remain quiet and wait for a message from spirit. I often picture myself sitting cross-legged on the floor surrounded by complete darkness with white light surrounding me originating from the floor but extending upwards in a cone shape to infinity. As I vision this light surrounding me I repeat the words, “ I am surrounded by the pure white light of my God. Nothing but goodness and love shall come from me and nothing but goodness, love, prosperity, abundance, joy and peace of mind shall come to me. Blessed be the name of the Lord. For my Lord is Omnipotent, Supreme, Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love.” This last statement is taken from the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy the founder of the Church of Christ Scientists, commonly called the Christian Science Church.
As we are deep within our communion with Spirit we ask for guidance but also, we ask for things. More importantly we must learn to affirm. As we ask for something, whether it is an object or an event, we should state, “ If it is right for me to have this within my life I know that it will be provided. Spirit will provide this for me in the best possible time and in the best possible way.” Sometimes we don’t always get what we ask for. Or at least it may arrive a lot later than we first expected. This takes us back to the statement, “we must learn to accept the things we cannot change and change the things we can.” Affirmations begin by visualizing. We visualize the change we want in our life. If we want a new car. Visualize that new car in your driveway. Picture yourself behind the wheel. If you want a new set of clothing or that new job, picture yourself with it. Visualize, affirm, and know that spirit will provide if it is right for you to have.
As we think, our thoughts go out into the universe. Spiritual laws then act on those thoughts. When we affirm our thoughts we are expanding these vibrations that extend from us out into the universe. The spiritual laws of nature then react to these thoughts sending back to us what we send out. This is why we must learn to control our thoughts to only good ones. Positive thoughts are acted upon but so are negative thoughts. And we don’t want these negative thoughts to affect anyone else or be returned to us.
Very often, when I seek guidance during my meditations, it seems I receive no answer. For me I do not hear voices. Some people tell me they do here voices. I don’t. Messages for me come in the form of ideas. Very often sometime after ask for something in my life whatever I am doing in my life I receive an idea of what I asked for earlier. I then concentrate on that thought and expand the original thought to what I am seeking. This message from the Universal mind is how so many ideas seem to develop at different places around the same time. The automobile, the airplane, communications, and other technologies all seemed to arrive at approximately the same time. This is because the Universal Mind is open to all mankind. So if you are contemplating a new invention or a new process you must be aware that that idea is within the Universal Mind and is available to anyone seeking it. It’s just like a library or the internet. By using the proper search procedures anyone can find that information. The only obstacle to receiving any information from the Universal Mind is the understanding or the interpretation of what is presented to us. Very often we receive messages from the Universal Mind but ignore them because we don’t understand them.
In communicating with spirit or an advanced intelligence it is often stated by the intelligent spirit that they can only communicate with us through the language that we understand and that the language we have does not have the proper words or expressions that the spirit wishes to use thereby limiting the information that can be presented to us. While reading Ken Carey’s book The Starseed Transmissions the spirit communicating with Mr. Cary states that our language is a language of commerce and does not have all the necessary words that we need to fully understand the messages of an advanced spirit. We must continue to try and understand any messages we receive.
In summary to our words of meditation we must find the quiet time in our daily lives to block out our physical surroundings and tune into the Universal Mind to receive that necessary guidance and replenishment of the spirit that we so desperately need in this hectic world we live in.
To receive knowledge of the fifty plus books I read to be able to write my book “What I Believe-Truth” please refer to the below Appendix of recommended authors and books taken from my book. You may purchase these books from your favorite bookstore. Thank you.
What I Believe-Truth, is available in both ebook and paperback edition at
Appendix A
Recommended authors and writings;
I highly recommend that you, Dear Reader, select, purchase and read the best books for you to continue your journey of understanding the esoteric knowledge necessary to create your Heaven on Earth. Thank you for reading my book.
Bruce D. Durst
Andrews, Shirley, Author- Lemuria and
Atlantis; Studying The Past To Survive The
Assarf, John- Contributor- The Secret.
Besant, Annie - 1847- 1933, Clairvoyant, Author- Esoteric Christianity, Thought Forms. Church elder- The Theosophical Society.
Beckwith, Michael Bernard- Contributor- The Secret, Author-Spiritual Liberation- Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential
Blavatsky, Helena - 1831- 1891, Clairvoyant,
Author- The Secret Doctrine, Isis Unveiled.
Difficult to read because of many strange words including Hindu, Buddhism and other eastern religious terminology, but much esoteric information is presented. Founder The Theosophical Society.
Browne, Sylvia - 1936- 2013, Author- Life On The Other Side, The Other Side And Back.
Buscaglia, Leo- Motivational Speaker, The Fall Of Freddie The Leaf: A Story Of Life For All Ages, Living Loving & Learning, Love: What Life Is All About.
Byrne, Rhonda - Author-The Secret.
Brower, Lee- Contributor- The Secret.
Canfield, Jack - Motivational Speaker,
Contributor- The Secret, Author- Key To Living The Law of Attraction. - Chicken Soup for the Soul. Multiple books, audio and video.
Carey, Ken - - 2017, Psychic, Spirit Channeler,
Author- The Starseed Transmissions, Return Of The Bird Tribes, The Third Millennium, Vision, Terra Christa.
Carnegie, Andrew- 1835- 1919, Scottish
American, worked as telegrapher, railroad owner, expanded the American steel industry and became of the richest man in America.
Author- The Autobiography of Andrew
Carnegie and His Essay The Gospel of Wealth.
Carnegie, Dale Harbison- 1888- 1955,
American writer and lecturer and developer of
self- improvement courses. His most famous book was How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Castaneda, Carlos - 1925- 1998, Author- The
Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way Of
Knowledge. Metaphysical.
Cayce, Edgar - 1877- 1945, Author- Edgar
Cayce On Prophecy.
Chopra, Deepak - 1947- , The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success.
Churchward, Col James- 1851- 1936, Author- The Lost Continent of Mu.
Churchward, Jack- Author- Lifting The Veil On The Lost Continent Of Mu- The Motherland of Men.
Collier, Robert- 1885- 1950, Text contributed to The Secret. Author- self-help/new thought, the practical psychology of abundance, desire, faith, visualization, confident action, and personal development, The Secret of the Ages.
Davis, Roy Eugene- 1931- Author- Light On
The Spiritual Path.
Dawson, Roger- Motivational speaker, Author- Secrets of Power Negotiating, Weekend Millionaire’s Secrets to Investing in Real Estate, Sales Revelation.
De Angelis Ph D, Barbara- Motivational speaker- Author- Are You The One For Me: Knowing Who’s Right and Avoiding Who’s Wrong, Soul Shifts: Transformative Wisdom for Creating a Life of Authentic Awakening, Emotional Freedom & Practical Spirituality. Audio and
Video recordings on self-improvement.
Contributor- The Secret.
Demartini, Dr. John F.- Contributor- The Secret
Diamond, Marie- Contributor- The Secret
Dooley, Mike- Contributor- The Secret
Doyle, Bob- Contributor- The Secret
Dwoskin, Hale- Contributor- The Secret, Author- The Sedona Method- Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Wellbeing. Happiness is Free: And It’s Easier Than You Think, Letting Go! Three Steps To Emotional Well-Being (Live.)
Dyer, Dr, Wayne W.- 1940- 2015- Motivational Speaker- Author- Multiple books, The Power of Intention-, Your Erroneous Zones-, Audio and Video recordings on self-improvement.
Ferry, Mike- Motivational Speaker, Author- How To Develop A Six-Figure Income In Real Estate.
Flammarion, Nicolas Camille, Astronomer,
author- multiple books.
Fripp, Patricia- Motivational Speaker, Author-
Make It So You Don’t Have To Fake It.
Goodman, Morris- Contributor- The Secret
Gray, Dr. John- Contributor- The Secret.
Haanel, Charles- 1866- 1949, Text contributed to The Secret.
Hagelin, Dr. John- Contributor- The Secret.
Hansen, Mark Victor- Motivational speaker,
author- The One Minute Millionaire, The Miracles In You.
Harris, Bill- Contributor- The Secret.
Hill, Napoleon- 1883- 1970, Author- The Law Of Success, Think And Grow Rich.
Holmes, Ernest- 1887- 1960, Author- The
Science Of Mind, Founder of the Church of
Religious Science.
Hopkins, Tom- Motivational speaker, Author-
How to Master the Art of Selling.
Johnson, Dr. Ben- Contributor- The Secret.
Judge, William Quan- 1851-1896, Co-founder The Theosophical Society.
Kennedy, Danielle- Motivational speaker, Author-How To List and Sell Real Estate.
Leadbeater, Charles W.- 1854- 1934, Author-
The Inner Life, Thought Forms, Man Visible
Invisible, The Astral Plane. Church elder- The Theosophical Society.
Langemeir, Loral- Contributor- The Secret.
Linkletter, Art- 1912- 2010, Motivational
Speaker, Author- How To Be Like Walt (Disney,) Kids Say The Darndest Things.
Montgomery, Ruth- 1912- 2001, Spirit
Channeler, Author- A Search For The Truth,
Born To Heal, Here And Hereafter, A World
Beyond, The World Before, Strangers Among Us, Threshold To Tomorrow, Companions Along The Way, Aliens Among Us, The World To Come, Herald Of The New Age. A Search For The Truth.
Mulford, Prentice- 1834- 1891 Text contributed to The Secret, Thoughts Are Things- (The White Cross Library.)
Narby, Jeremy- 1959- , Author- Intelligence In Nature- An Inquiry Into Knowledge.
Nichols, Lisa- Contributor- The Secret, Author- Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today.
Nightingale, Earl- 1921- 1989, Exceptional writer and self-improvement public speaker. Author- Lead The Field, The Strangest Secret.
Olcott, Henry Steel- 1832- 1907
Proctor, Bob- Philosopher- Contributor- The
Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst- 1802- 1866, The Complete Writings- by Ervin Seale.
Ray, James Arthur- Contributor- The Secret.
Robbins, Anthony- Motivational Speaker-
Author- Unlimited Power-, multiple books,
audio and video recordings on self-improvement.
Schovel Shinn, Florence - 1871- 1940, Author- The Game Of Life And How to Play It, The Wisdom Of Florence Schovel Shinn.
Shimoff, Marci- Contributor- The Secret.
Coauthor- Chicken Soup For The Woman’s Soul, Chicken Soup For The Mother’s Soul.
Carol Swiedler- 1922- 2007, Author- Letters From The Cosmos.
Tracy, Brian- Motivational Speaker, author Eat That Frog, No Excuses- The Power of Self- Discipline, The Psychology of Selling, Goals.
Vitale, Dr. Joe- contributor- The Secret.
Waitley, Dr. Denis, Contributor- The Secret.
Walsch, Neale Donald- contributor- Author-
The Secret, Author- Conversations With
God. Multiple books- audio, video.
Wattles, Wallace D.- 1860- 1911- Author- The Complete Collection of Wallace D. Wattles-The Science of Getting Rich- The Science of Being Great- The Science of Being Well-How to Get What You Want- The New Science of Living and Healing.
Weldon, Joel- Motivational Speaker, Author- Presentation Excellence: 25 Tricks, Tips & Techniques for Professional Speakers and Trainers, The Weldon Blueprint: A Personal Plan for Success.
White Eagle Lodge- New Lands Retreat
House/Temple, Hampshire, UK. Writings- Morning Light, Spiritual Unfoldment 1, Spiritual Unfoldment 2, Spiritual Unfoldment 3, Spiritual Unfoldment 4.
Wolf, Dr. Fred Alan- contributor- The Secret,
Author- Taking The Quantum Leap.
The End